Migrate data from Cloud to Cloud

By Phi-lac Nguyen
Published a year ago
~1 minute read
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Mover.io is a tool that was acquired by Microsoft. This tool is suggested to you from the admin console of Office 365 when you need to migrate data to your O365 tenant. 2021-08-28_20-21-50-1024x577.jpg

There are a bunch of connectors such as:

Amazon S3 Azure Blob Storage Box Dropbox Egnyte

I’m going to describe here an example with Egnyte and private folders of users that need to be migrated to OneDrive.

Mover is powerful and did the mapping automatically between the folder from Egnyte and the user on Office 365. It allows you to migrate multiple users at the same time. I was really impressed with how easy it was to migrate the data.

You will need to add the connector and login at the source and destination.

The source path and destination path will be automatically filled. If the mapping is wrong, you will be able to edit it by yourself. Then you will simply need to select the user that you want to migrate by clicking “Start Migrating Users”

You will have the choice to run immediately the migration or on schedule.

Once the migration is done. You will be able to review the log if need it.

I have been using this tool for a while and it's really easy to use. It helps a lot for all migration between cloud storage environments.