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Discover how NIFTIT empowered ScanRecords, a prominent healthcare provider in North America, to revolutionize patient record management in the cloud. In the face of challenges involving vast data volumes, efficient organization, and secure sharing, NIFTIT harnessed cutting-edge technologies to craft a bespoke solution. This case study delves into how our expertise in SharePoint Online and Azure Services transformed the Client's patient record management, ensuring optimized data handling, enhanced visibility, and seamless integrations.


The Client’s goals were clear and ambitious, aimed at overcoming the pressing challenges in their patient record management. NIFTIT set out on a mission to streamline the storage and security of vast patient records, enabling swift and accurate retrieval. The goal was to develop an automated system for labeling and tagging documents, ensuring meticulous organization. Additionally, the Client sought a secure pathway for sharing patient data with physicians, maintaining strict data privacy and compliance standards. NIFTIT embraced these goals, crafting a comprehensive strategy that would revolutionize the Client's healthcare operations.

Bullet Icon Storage and Security

Enhance patient record storage and security in the cloud. Efficient Retrieval: Expedite the retrieval of patient records for improved efficiency.

Bullet Icon Efficient Retrieval

Expedite the retrieval of patient records for improved efficiency.

Bullet Icon Secure Data Sharing

Used M365 technologies to improve process for sharing patient data with physicians.

Bullet Icon Seamless Integration

Establish a secure and efficient process for sharing patient data with physicians.

Bullet Icon Executive Insights

Provide executives with valuable insights into the business through integrated Power BI reports and forms.


NIFTIT's solution for ScanRecords showcased our mastery in leveraging Microsoft 365 technologies to overcome complex challenges. To tackle the monumental task of securely storing and efficiently accessing a vast number of patient records, we leveraged SharePoint Online and Azure services to construct a robust data management infrastructure. This not only ensured the security of sensitive patient data but also streamlined the process of locating records swiftly and effortlessly.

Our expertise was evident in the custom applications we developed to boost workflow efficiency significantly. For example, we designed a tailored application to enhance visibility into patient record requests, allowing clinic staff to handle these requests with unparalleled ease. Additionally, our custom application for tracking paper records digitalized the management of physical documents, eliminating manual errors and enhancing efficiency. This transformation was fueled by the power of Microsoft 365 tools and technologies, facilitating effective process automation and end-to-end visibility.


Our integration solutions transformed ScanRecords' collaborative efforts. By integrating the clinic's systems with essential third-party applications, including task management, accounting, and payment systems, we provided valuable insights and enabled informed decision-making based on real-time information. This project's success highlighted our ability to harness Microsoft 365's vast toolkit to create tailored solutions that tackle multifaceted healthcare challenges head-on.

What they said

The NIFTIT team has undeniably played a pivotal role in propelling us to new heights. Their industry-leading knowledge, coupled with their unwavering commitment to communication, consistently surpasses our expectations not only as a technical partner, but as a partner. What truly sets NIFTIT apart is their remarkable ability to translate complex technical jargon into terms that we can readily comprehend. Without their expertise, I can confidently say that we would not have been able to scale and achieve the level of success we have today.

Chris L. - Founder