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NIFTIT partnered with SmileTrain to revolutionize their digital presence. Through bespoke front-end design, meticulous site architecture, and technical expertise, we created an immersive digital environment that perfectly aligned with Smile Train's brand identity. Our seamless migration to SharePoint Online, combined with ongoing maintenance, and the incorporation of SharePoint Framework (SPFX) development, delivered a cohesive and compelling user experience. This strategic overhaul solidified Smile Train's online presence as both impactful and engaging.

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Our partnership with Smile Train focused on enhancing their digital presence and streamlining operational efficiency. Our primary goal was to craft a bespoke front-end template that mirrored Smile Train's brand ethos, ensuring a cohesive user experience. We also set out to streamline the leave management processes with an intuitive absence request form and to provide easy access to global time zones and company events for their international team. Through our migration to SharePoint Online, we aimed to optimize Smile Train's platform’s performance, bolstering their ability to engage with their audience and empowering them to fulfill their critical mission more effectively.

Bullet Icon Strengthen User Experience

Enhance user engagement through SPFX development, ensuring a user-friendly interface and improved functionality.

Bullet Icon Enhance Brand Alignment

Develop a custom front-end template aligned with Smile Train's branding for consistent visual identity and navigation.

Bullet Icon Migration to SharePoint Online

Seamlessly transition Smile Train's platform to SharePoint Online, optimizing performance and accessibility.

Bullet Icon Streamline Leave Management

Create an efficient absence request form using SharePoint workflows and permissions to simplify leave tracking and management.

Bullet Icon Improve Event Communication

Utilize SharePoint calendars to notify staff of important company events and deadlines for enhanced collaboration.


NIFTIT’s creative solution for Smile Train aligned seamlessly with their organizational goals. To enhance brand consistency, we crafted a custom front-end design that captured Smile Train's unique brand identity. Through a collaborative process that embraced their unique color palette, typography, and layout preferences, we created a visually cohesive experience. Leveraging Microsoft's SharePoint and SPFX, we brought this vision to life, delivering a user-friendly interface and improved functionality that resonated with Smile Train's global audience.


The project's success lay in its ability to address various challenges and streamline crucial processes. By implementing a comprehensive absence request form, powered by SharePoint workflows and permissions, NIFTIT Creative simplified leave management for employees and managers alike. The integration of a "World Clocks" widget ensured seamless global time synchronization, enhancing communication across time zones. Additionally, SharePoint calendars were instrumental in highlighting company events and deadlines, promoting internal unity and participation.

The migration to SharePoint Online marked a significant milestone, optimizing the platform's performance and accessibility through cutting-edge Microsoft technologies. The result was a robust digital ecosystem that streamlined processes, empowered staff, and aligned seamlessly with Smile Train's mission. NIFTIT's strategic planning, effective execution, and deep integration of Microsoft's technologies culminated in a groundbreaking solution that not only mirrored Smile Train's values but also significantly boosted their operational efficiency.